Thursday, 24 October 2013

Project 2: Group Work / Animation Techniques - Rotoscoping/ Evaluation.

Playing Chinese Whipsers with Animation.
This was an exercise created to help us see how adventurous we could be when creating characters and putting them in motion.  As an experiment, the class decided to create a full cycle animation, using separate frames of an individual animation in itself. To begin with, we each started to draw a character, and inked it on the same page. After we did this, we then went over to the light boxes and passed each image to the left, meaning that the person to our left would be tracing over the image, but altering it slight as they did, in order to create a new frame. We all wanted to stretch out our morphing skills as far as they could go, ans as a result, created some rather obscure and disgusting outcomes!

7 Animations; 7 frames each.

I am really pleased with how this animation, as a class, worked out. Usually when it comes to drawing I love to have complete control over what I'm creating, and giving out my work for the rest of the class to enhance and build upon was definitely something of a trust exercise (or not in some cases.) We also were given this task to do with a limited time, which explains why the over all quality of the animation isn't to the best it could be. The way that totally different art styles have come together and made a pretty smooth metamorphosis series, shows how blending peoples' work together and exercises like this can show how someone can adapt to change create their own versions of something, to make a great outcome. 

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