Sunday, 24 November 2013

Siaman Chow - Art.


This GIF, or loop cycle animation has been created by Saiman Chow. I was drawn to this piece in particular because of the style it was done in, It differs from the rest of the animations I have researched because of the fact it looks thoroughly sketchy and hand drawn.This image only lasts for a few seconds, but it is very clear to make out what happens during those few seconds. The face of a man, presumed to be Siaman himself? slowly starts to deteriorate and eventually turns into a skull, and for some reason I get a glimpse of the diamond skull associated with Damien Hirst.
 It also focuses on the aspect of deterioration, an aspect which is highly relevant to my project at the moment. There is constant movement in the loop, so t is easy to pass off any irregularities as part of the animation, which is a simple but effective aspect to use. I love how the film is rather gritty, but still moves in a flowing motion and doesn't have any particular jump or skips in the sequence. Chow also manages to cross realism with fantasy, as he is able to make parts of the face vanish, instead of dropping off or crumbling away, this applies mostly to the glasses on his and ears, which i think works rather well. However, if I were to criticize the animation in anyway, the only change i would make, personally, would be to make the image have more gore like features as the face slowly vanishes into the skull, particularly from the nose and eyes.

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